For those of you who choose
to run as an exercise to burn calories, there is one important thing to be
prepared in addition to heating and stamina, the shoes. Because
it relies on the movement of leg exercise, you should choose shoes that are
comfortable and safe.
Good running shoes do not have to be expensive, but can give comfort to the foot and do not cause pain during, or after a run. Quoted from Livestrong, the following tips on choosing a good running shoe:
Good running shoes do not have to be expensive, but can give comfort to the foot and do not cause pain during, or after a run. Quoted from Livestrong, the following tips on choosing a good running shoe:
1. Running field
shoes should fit the terrain on which you ran and foot type. Good
running shoes have a wide pattern on a pedestal base. This
is to prevent slippage or slipped while passing through difficult terrain. While
racing running shoes designed to be lighter than running shoes in general. Racing
shoes are usually also include shock absorption that minimize excessive
pressure on the foot. Good
running shoes also leaves room empty distance of about one inch between the
thumb and the tip of the shoe.
2. Right Time to Buy Shoes
or evening a great time to choose running shoes. Because
at these times, the size of the foot becomes larger. After
a day used for the activity, the foot can sometimes be a little swollen. This
is to anticipate that the foot does not hurt when enlarged in size while
running. Wear
thick socks when trying on shoes and try to comfort her by walking or a short
stroll around the store.
3. Shoelace
must be tied with a strong knot that is not easily dislodged. But
try not too tight or binding tightly to make your feet feel cramped. This
can disrupt the balance and stability of the foot and body.
4. When Changing Shoes
the shoes are used routinely every day, you should replace after use of 400
miles, or about five months. If
the shoe sole is thinned, broke out in the middle or the end of the sole and
back of the shoe had torn it means that your shoes have to be replaced. Running
shoes are damaged can not support the body and leg with a perfect anymore.
there is no longer a multipurpose sports shoes; existing running shoes, tennis
shoes, soccer shoes, volleyball shoes, etc.. Here's
a guide for you who want to buy running shoes, which fit with the character of
the foot.
Run it
sports the oldest, cheapest, and simplest. Unlike
the sport of golf that should require a bat and ball, or soccer to collect more
than ten people and need the ball and the goal. Run only
with shoes, despite the cekeran alone. The
place was not an issue, can be on the sidelines of the shady woods around the
city park or in the yard.
every swing foot and heel planted on the ground, which should be supported heel
load range 3-5 times your body weight. That
is if you are normal weight, if overweight load would be heavier heel. In
addition to body weight, severity of collisions suffered heel greatly influenced
by the quality and type of shoes trodden underfoot. To
avoid injury from running, it is recommended to run on the grass, crushed brick
(gravel), or sandy soil.
terms of choosing shoes, a lot of considerations that you should take. Especially
when almost all shoe factory claims its products as high-tech products. Some
of the following suggestions may be helpful in obtaining shoes that fit with
the character of the foot.
Step 1:
Buy shoes are really good quality. This
is very important especially for reply br begin a practice run to give comfort
to shock, motion control, flexibility, and endurance. Granted,
you probably will only run a few kilometers. For
that, in your mind thinking, why not wear shoes that already exist, such as
tennis shoes or other rubber boots?
attitude as it is only beneficial in the short term. In
addition, the initial attitude of the acting is very decisive step in the
future. Suppose
you got injured in the initial training, who are the losers? At
the beginning of the movement, the foot is still unstable, so the extra
protection that caution is a solution that could not be negotiable. It
should also be remembered, good quality running shoes will be durable in use up
to a distance of 650-800 km. A
long-term investment that is comparable to the price that must be removed.
Step 2: Understand
what it is pronation. Running is a complex
biomechanical process. In
general, when running, the foot which first hit the ground is the outer side of
the heel. Then
scroll to the bottom of the foot and slightly into the ground when you meet. Furthermore
heel leaving the ground and followed with a given body boost the balls to take
off the front foot and move forward.
to as pronation is the inward rotation of the foot when landing on the ground. This
process is natural and normal pronation on each person, and very helpful foot
to absorb impact shocks.
Wet test.
your feet and make a mark on a flat dry surface.
• Left:
flat feet, you tend to overpronate.
• Middle:
normal legs, normal pronation you.
• Right:
high arched foot, you tend underpronate.
the degree of pronation at each person is different. Some
are doing it excessively (overpronate), in this case the runners foot rolling
too far inward. There
is also a less pronasinya (underpronate); foot slightly inward rolling just
after contact with the ground. Overpronate
often found on some runners and can cause injury, especially in the lower leg
and knee. Underpronate
can cause injury due to lack of good in the absorption of shocks.
Step 3: Know your
foot type. By
checking the height of the arch (arch) foot, can be determined in the class of
Which You pronation. When flat feet,
tend to overpronate. High
arched foot, it is possible to perform less pronation (underpronate). For
those who have a normal arch, pronation is done is right and correct. According to research John W. Pagliano,
DPM, a foot in Long Beach, California, 50% of runners have a normal arch, high
arched 25%, and the curved remaining low.
determine the height of the foot arch, do the "wet test" (wet test). Wet
your feet and make a mark on a flat surface and dry.
Step 4: Buy shoes
that fit. Pronated
foot types and levels to determine the characteristics of your running shoes. Running
shoes are generally produced in three forms which are interconnected by three
types of feet wet as in the picture test. Shape
shoes can easily be seen with the reverse and see basically. Existing forms as follows:
Form a straight (straight shape), good for flat feet (flat foot) or those who
do excessive pronation (overpronator).
The curvature (curved shape), suitable for foot arch (high-arched foot) or
those who tended to perform less pronation (underpronator).
slightly curved shape, suitable for normal feet (normal foot) or those who
berpronasi normal (normal pronator).
you are flat-footed and overpronator, shoes chosen should make the legs do not
roll too far inward. Appropriate
footwear is the motion control shoe (motion-control shoes). Many
shoes this kind of straight-shaped strut that gives the maximum for the leg. Other
characteristics, post or footbridge that antipronasi, which is rather hard
midsole, and a strong heel counter.
those high-arched feet and underpronate, shock absorption is reduced. Soft
shoes are the solution because it helps the foot to roll inward so as to absorb
shocks that occur. Look
for shoes that are air-cushioned midsole and arch-shaped (curved shape).
for the legs and normal berpronasi because no need for special shoes. Focus attention
only on the size that fits comfortably. Look for
shoes that are among the types of shoes on. Generally this type
of shoe is called stability shoes.
5: Look for shoes in specialty stores for runners. In some
developed countries, specialized shoe stores are common. In Indonesia is still rare. However
there are several shoe stores that can help choose shoes that match the anatomy
of the foot correspond to prospective buyers. They are
also open for consultation shoes and foot problems.
things to consider before buying shoes:
1. Shop
in the afternoon (late afternoon) when the foot has the greatest measure.
2. In trying shoes, wear socks.
3. Make
sure both feet measured. Many people who
measure different left and right foot. Shoes should be
fitted to the size of the largest foot.
Step 6: Make
sure your shoes fit in the leg. Shoes that fit
will feel snug but not tight. "One
thing that could hurt is to buy shoes that are too small," said Tom
Brunick, director of testing athletic shoes Athlete Foot shoe store. Good
running shoes should be half or one size larger than your everyday shoes.
following guidelines may be helpful in determining whether or not fitting shoes
you wear:
1. Check
if there is enough room on the tip of your toes in your shoes. Insert
your thumb into the shoe and the tip should be fitted above the longest toe.
2. Check if there
is enough space on either side of your feet. Shoes
should not be tight, but your foot should not slip back and forth.
3. Your
heel should be comfortable in the back of the shoe and should not slip up and
down when walking or running.
4. Shoes
must hold the foot securely, but should not be pressed tightly on any area of the foot.